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πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Outline of Lecture 1

Capital Allocation

  1. Capital Allocation: The β€œTop Down” Approach
  2. Three-step process of portfolio construction
  3. Capital allocation between risky and risk-free assets
  4. The CAL line

Portfolio Construction: The β€œTop Down” Approach

  • Capital Allocation Decision
    • Allocation of portfolio between a risk-free asset and risky assets
  • Asset Allocation Decision
    • Distribution of risky investments across broad asset classes (e.g. bonds, stocks, currencies, etc.)
  • Security Selection Decision
    • Choice of individual securities within each (risky) asset class

Capital Allocation Across Risky and Risk-Free Portfolios

The simplest way to control risk is to manipulate the fraction of the portfolio invested in risk-free assets versus the portion invested in the risky assets

Basic Asset Allocation Example

Total market value$300,000
Risk-free money market fund$90,000
Bonds (long-term)$96,600
Total risky assets$210,000

Percentage of risky portfolio in Equities and Bonds:

WE=$113,400$210,000=0.54=54%W_{E} = \frac{\$113,400}{\$210,000} = 0.54=54\% WB=$96,000$210,000=0.46=46%W_{B} = \frac{\$96,000}{\$210,000} = 0.46=46\%


  • yy = Weight of the risky portfolio, P, in the complete portfolio
  • (1βˆ’y)(1-y) = Weight of risk-free assets
y=$210,000$300,000=70%y = \frac{\$210,000}{\$300,000} = 70\% 1βˆ’y=$90,000$300,000=30%1 - y = \frac{\$90,000}{\$300,000} = 30\%

Percentage of complete portfolio in Equities and Bonds:

E:$113,400$300,000=37.8%E:\frac{\$113,400}{\$300,000} = 37.8\% B:$96,600$300,000=32.2%B:\frac{\$96,600}{\$300,000} = 32.2\%

The Risk-Free Asset

  • Only the government can issue default-free securities
    • A security is risk-free in real terms only if its price is indexed and its maturity is equal to the investor’s holding period
  • T-bills viewed as β€œthe” risk-free asset
  • Money market funds also considered risk-free in practice

Capital Allocation Decision: One Risky and One Risk-Free Asset

yy= Proportion of capital invested in risky asset
1βˆ’y1 - y= Proportion of capital invested in risk-free asset
rPr_P= rate of return on risky asset
E(rP)E(r_P)= expected rate of return on risky asset
σPσ_P= standard deviation of return on risky asset
rFr_F= rate of return on risk-free asset
E(rP)βˆ’rFE(r_P) - r_F= risk premium on the risky asset
rCr_C= rate of return on the complete portfolio
rC=RateΒ ofΒ returnΒ ofΒ completeΒ portfolio=yrP+(1βˆ’y)rFβ‘ \begin{aligned} r_C &= \text{Rate of return of complete portfolio} \\ &= yr_P+(1-y)r_F \quad β‘ \\ \end{aligned}

The second line (formula β‘ ) is important because it shows us how to think of the return of a portfolio. Specifically, we think of the Complete portfolio as being a mixture of a risk-free asset and a risky asset. In probability, we calculate mixtures using weighted averages, so the return of our complete portfolio will be a weighted average of the return on the risky asset and the risk-free asset. Writing this as a formula, we get the equation that Bruce put in the slides - that the rate of return of the complete portfolio is rC=yrP+(1βˆ’y)rFr_C=yr_P+(1-y)r_F.

If you aren’t familiar with weighted averages, this step may not make sense to you. That’s fine - just try to remember the formula.

E(rC)=ExpΒ returnΒ ofΒ completeΒ port=E[yrP+(1βˆ’y)rF]β‘‘=yE(rP)+(1βˆ’y)E(rF)β‘’=yE(rP)+(1βˆ’y)rFβ‘£=rF+y[E(rP)βˆ’rF]β‘€\begin{aligned} E(r_C) &= \text{Exp return of complete port} \\ &= E[yr_P + (1-y)r_F] \quad β‘‘ \\ &= yE(r_P) + (1-y)E(r_F) \quad β‘’ \\ &= yE(r_P) + (1-y)r_F \quad β‘£ \\ &= r_F + y[E(r_P)-r_F] \quad β‘€ \\ \end{aligned}

I suspect you can afford to gloss over some of the slides of math later on in this lecture, but I think this slide is worth going into a little more deeply. Here are the key steps:

This step works because of formula β‘ , discussed about two paragraphs above. Specifically, it works because the complete portfolio is just a mixture of a risky asset and a risk-free asset.

While the 5 steps above are helpful, the main point is the final equation, which Bruce explains as follows:

The formula above shows that rFr_F, the risk free rate, is a base rate of return on any portfolio:

Expected return on the complete portfolio = base rate (risk-free rate) + the risk premium on the risky asset weighted by the proportion of the total portfolio invested in the risky asset

E(rP)βˆ’rF>0E(r_P) - r_F > 0 assuming investors are risk-averse

Calculating the Standard Deviation of the Portfolio Return

Recall that, if X and Y are independent random variables and a and b and constants:

Var(aX+bY)=a2Var(X)+b2Var(Y)Var(aX + bY) = a^{2}Var(X) + b^{2}Var(Y)
Here, X=rPX = r_P and Y=rfY = r_f


Var(rc)=Var[yrP+(1βˆ’y)rf]=y2Var(rP)+(1βˆ’y)2Var(rf)=y2Var(rP)+0=y2Var(rP)\begin{aligned} Var\left(r_c \right) &= Var[yr_P + (1 - y)r_f] \\ &= y^{2}Var\left(r_P \right) + (1 - y)^{2}Var\left(r_f \right) \\ &= y^{2}Var\left(r_P \right) + 0 \\ &= y^{2}Var\left(r_P \right) \\ \end{aligned}

Taking the square root of both sides and remembering that Var=Οƒ\sqrt{Var}=Οƒ

σc=yσPσ_c = y σ_P

Equation for the CAL

Οƒc=yΓ—ΟƒPΟƒ_c = y \times Οƒ_P y=ΟƒcΟƒPΒ y = \frac{Οƒ_c}{Οƒ_P}\ E(rc)=rfΒ +ΟƒcΟƒP[E(rP)βˆ’Β rf]E(r_c ) = r_f\ + \frac{Οƒ_c}{Οƒ_P}[E\left(r_P \right)-\ r_f] E(rc)=Β rfΒ +[E(rP)βˆ’Β rf]ΟƒPΟƒcE\left(r_c \right) = \ r_f\ + \frac{[E\left(r_P \right)-\ r_f]}{Οƒ_P}Οƒ_c

[E(rP)βˆ’Β rf]ΟƒP\frac{[E\left(r_P \right)-\ r_f]}{Οƒ_P} is known as the Sharpe ratio or Reward-to-variability ratio.

Let ΟƒP=20%Οƒ_P = 20\% and y=50%y = 50\%. Therefore

Οƒc=yΓ—ΟƒP=50%Γ—20%=.1=10%Οƒ_c = y \times Οƒ_P = 50\%\times 20\% = .1 = 10\% rf=5%r_f = 5\%
E(rP)=10%=Β .1E\left(r_P \right) = 10\% = \ .1 SharpeΒ ratio=E(rP)βˆ’rfΟƒPΒ =.1βˆ’.05.2=Β .25\text{Sharpe ratio} = \frac{E\left(r_P \right) - r_f}{Οƒ_P}\ = \frac{.1 - .05}{.2} = \ .25 E(rc)=Β rfΒ +[E(rP)βˆ’Β rf]ΟƒPΟƒc=Β .05+Β .25(.1)=Β .075=7.5%\begin{aligned} E\left(r_c \right) &= \ r_f\ + \frac{[E\left(r_P \right)-\ r_f]}{Οƒ_P}Οƒ_c \\ &= \ .05 + \ .25(.1) \\ &= \ .075 \\ &= 7.5\% \\ \end{aligned}

The Capital Allocation Line (CAL)

One Risky Asset and a Risk-Free Asset: Example

rf=7%r_f = 7\% E(rP)=15%E(r_P) = 15\% Οƒrf=0%Οƒ_{rf} = 0\% ΟƒP=22%Οƒ_P = 22\%

The expected return on the complete portfolio:

E(rc)=7+y(15βˆ’7)E(r_c) = 7 + y(15 - 7)

The risk of the complete portfolio:

σc=yσP=22yσ_c = yσ_P = 22y


y=σcσPy = \frac{σ_c}{σ_P}

Substitute into CAL equation:

E(rc)=rfΒ +ΟƒcΟƒP[E(rP)βˆ’rf]E(r_c) = r_f\ + \frac{Οƒ_c}{Οƒ_P}[E(r_P) - r_f] Slope=E(rP)βˆ’rfΟƒP=822Slope = \frac{E(r_P) - r_f}{Οƒ_P} = \frac{8}{22}

The Investment Opportunity Set

Portfolios of One Risky Asset and a Risk-Free Asset

  • Capital allocation line with leverage
    • Lend at rf=7%r_f= 7\% and borrow at rf=9%r_f= 9\%
      • Lending range slope = 8/22=0.368/22 = 0.36
        • β€œLending range” is the portion of the CAL where y is less than 1, so the investor is investing in the risk-free asset. By investing in the risk free asset, they are β€œlending” money.
      • Borrowing range slope = 6/22=0.276/22 = 0.27
        • β€œBorrowing range” is the portion of the CAL where y is greater than 1. The portion of the investor’s wealth invested in the risky asset is 1βˆ’y1-y. If y>1y>1, then (1βˆ’y)<0(1-y)< 0, so the investor has a negative investment in the risk free asset. They are essentially attempting to β€œborrow” money. Because they they might not repay the loan, they can’t borrow at the risk-free rate, and this reduces their Expected return. This causes the CAL to have a lower slope in the borrowing range.
    • CAL kinks at y=1y=1, where rC=rPr_C=r_P.

The Opportunity Set with Differential Borrowing and Lending Rates


Two Assets:

E(r1)=8%,Οƒ1=12%E(r_1)=8\%, Οƒ 1= 12\% E(r2)=13%,Οƒ2=20%E(r_2)=13\%, Οƒ 2= 20\%